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php-ffmpeg video converting issue when Source video size is more than 25 MB.

I am using php-ffmpeg for converting uploaded videos. With all videos it was working great before. But from last few days through now only small videos are getting convert and giving me proper response on success. But large videos which size are more than 25MB they are uploading well on server converting also well but on success response it giving me error. image is bellow.

enter image description here so here when I refresh my page manually or check on server then I can see that video uploaded on server and converted also well already just issue facing in sending me success response when video get converted.

And code is same for small and large video convert so small is working well and with large facing issues from last few days through.

Any possible suggestion guys ?


  • Set this rule in your upload file or in main configuration file,By adding this line it removes memory limit for any file in wordpress. So that you can upload any size of file without limitations.

    ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');

    May this thing help you to solve out your problem.