How to call a function I wrote using Chaquopy?
I used sample from documentation and it worked well. I could put the text on a label using Python. Then I created a button and want to call my function (for example, my_func):
from demo.chaquopy.pythonactivity import R
from java import static_proxy, Override, jvoid
from android.os import Bundle
from import AppCompatActivity
class MainActivity(static_proxy(AppCompatActivity)):
@Override(jvoid, [Bundle])
def onCreate(self, state):
AppCompatActivity.onCreate(self, state)
self.findViewById("Hello From Python!")
def my_func(self):
self.findViewById("Another text")
I tried to write 'android:onclick' as with Java functions, and it doesn't work. And I couldn't find it in samples and documentation. Please can anyone help? Thanks a lot in advance.
To declare a listener in XML, the method has to be visible from Java. You can make it visible like this:
from java import method
from android.view import View
class MainActivity(...):
@method(jvoid, [View])
def my_func(self):