I am having the requirement where the app is having tab view. The fourth tab is having popover and that popover contains more 3 menus which should act as a tab means it should open like other 3 tabs.
I have tried but the page is not displaying as it is not setting the popover page as root page inside tab view.
<ion-tabs #myTab>
<ion-tab [root]="tab1Root" tabIcon="theme-business"></ion-tab>
<ion-tab [root]="tab2Root" tabIcon="theme-table"></ion-tab>
<ion-tab [root]="tab3Root" tabIcon="theme-like"></ion-tab>
<ion-tab (ionSelect)="presentPopover($event)" tabIcon="ios-apps-outline"></ion-tab>
presentPopover(event) {
let popover = this.popoverCtrl.create(TabPopoverPage, {});
popover.present({ ev: { target: event.btn._elementRef.nativeElement } });
<ion-content padding>
<button ion-item (click)="openPage('SalonDetailsPage')">
<ion-icon name="theme-profile" item-left></ion-icon>
Profile Page
<button ion-item (click)="openPage('SalesReportPage')">
<ion-icon name="theme-wallet" item-left></ion-icon>
Sales Report
<button ion-item (click)="openPage('SettingsPage')">
<ion-icon name="theme-setting" item-left></ion-icon>
openPage(pageName: any) {
// this.navCtrl.setRoot(pageName);
Help would be appreciated!
Please Note, while this implementation is not the best and there are probably a dozen other ways to solve this problem, this was the easiest. you can find a working example here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ionic-v3-custom-tabs
there may be a way to Programmatically add a new ion-tab item but i could not locate that on the ionic docs but here is my take of the implementation based on this question
we currently have 4 tab items, we add the extra tab items we need.
<ion-tab [root]="tab4Root" show= "false" tabIcon="person"></ion-tab>
<ion-tab [root]="tab5Root" show= "false" tabIcon="cash"></ion-tab>
<ion-tab [root]="tab6Root" show= "false" tabIcon="settings"></ion-tab>
NOTE the show attribute show: according to ionic docs hides the tab element . https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/components/tabs/Tab/#input-properties this creates the ion-tab elements but hides them.
we need a reference to the ion-tabs element which was already define with <ion-tabs #myTab>
page: tabs.ts
// we are getting the ion-tabs using the template reference then assigning it to a local variable tabRef
@ViewChild('myTab') tabRef: Tabs;
presentPopover(event) {
let popover = this.popoverCtrl.create(PopoverPage, {navpage: this}); // note the navpage: this
popover.present({ ev: { target: event.btn._elementRef.nativeElement } });
we need a way to reference this component (TabsPage), so we are passing it as a nav params https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/components/popover/PopoverController/#create https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/navigation/NavParams/#get
page: popover.html
<button ion-item (click)="openPage(4)">
<ion-icon name="person" item-left></ion-icon>
Profile Page
<button ion-item (click)="openPage(5)">
<ion-icon name="cash" item-left></ion-icon>
Sales Report
<button ion-item (click)="openPage(6)">
<ion-icon name="settings" item-left></ion-icon>
// each of the number represent the tab index of the page we wish to navigate to see: https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/components/tabs/Tabs/#selecting-a-tab
page: PopoverPage
// the tabs page ref
tabsPageRef: TabsPage;
public navCtrl: NavController,
public navParams: NavParams
) {
// recall the navpage: this from the TabsPage?
this.tabsPageRef = this.navParams.get('navpage');
openPage(pageName: any) {
// here, we are using the reference of the TabsPage to access the local variable tabref