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Assembly: problems incrementing memory location

I am just beginning 6502 assembly, and I am trying to figure out the basics. I'm using a JavaScript emulator on my phone to assemble the code. I'm trying to get it to increment p (my memory location) and store A in both addresses (as a prelude to a loop later). But, when run, it's only storing A to $0205 and not $0206 (which is what I am trying to get it to do). Any help appreciated.

LDA #$01
define p $0205


  • The code you have written doesn't do what you think it does. p is just a defined name for the number $205. In effect, your program is

    LDA #$01
    ; define p $0205
    STA $0205
    INC $0205
    STA $0205

    The INCinstruction increments the contents of location $0205 but then it is immediately overwritten by the second STA.

    There are several ways to do what you want. Firstly, if it is always the location p and the next one, depending on your assembler, you should be able to write

    LDA #$01
    define p $0205
    STA p
    STA p+1

    That will put 1 in $0205 and $0206. An alternative, if you want to do the incrementing at run time is to use an index register, of which there are two X and Y.

    LDA #$01
    define p $0205
    LDY #0
    STA p,Y
    STA p,Y

    That's not really better than the previous, but it can be used in a loop.

    define p $0205
    define count 10
        LDA #$01
        LDY #count
        DEY        ; Decrement Y by 1 setting the zero flag if zero
        STA p,Y    ; Store the result in p + Y (flags are unaffected)
        BNE loop   ; Go round the loop if the zero flag is not set

    The above will fill the locations from p to p + 9 with the constant 1. Note that it does it by going downwards through memory.

    If p is unknown until runtime, you can do the same thing but using a zero page indirect address.

    define p $0205
    define count 10
    define ptr $50 ; A random zero page location
        LDA #$01
        LDY #count
    ; First load the address in the zero page location
        LDA <p     ; < is a common notation for the low byte of a 16 bit number ($05 in this case)
        STA ptr
        LDA >p     ; and > is for the high byte ($02 in this case)
        STA ptr+1
    ; Now a similar loop to before
        DEY        ; Decrement Y by 1 setting the zero flag if zero
        STA (ptr),Y; Store the result in p + Y (flags are unaffected)
        BNE loop   ; Go round the loop if the zero flag is not set