I am trying to load WSDL using mule's Web Service Consumer but no success. If I try same WSDL from SOAPUI it works without running into any issues.
I tried below 2 options and both directing me to different issues. Any suggestion?
Option#1. Tried to load WSDL with URL gives me PKIX path building failed as below
Option#2. Also, tried to load WSDL as resource i.e. by saving it into src/main/resources folder. This gives me below
NOTE: I am using Anypoint Studio 6.4.4 with mule Community Edition 3.9 and JDK 1.8.
WSDL: https://esweb.revenue.louisiana.gov/fsettest/fsetgatewaywebservice.asmx?wsdl
you need to add the wsdl certificate to Java cacerts keystore. Here you have a useful link:
On the other hand, you are getting the second error, because that wsdl you downloaded has an import of another wsdl (this is the other wsdl http://esweb.revenue.louisiana.gov/fsettest/fsetgatewaywebservice.asmx?wsdl=wsdl1). If you want to do it this way (that I would not recommend), you will need to download all the wsdls that are imported, and reference them locally.