I'm creating an online site checker (tells you if it's up or down) with CURL on Windows but it doesn't seem to work.
I've tried creating a simple script on Windows. First, I check Google with curl and output redirection in statusgoogle.txt file. Then, I ask findstr to find the sentence "Connection established". That means the website is UP. Error code 0 for findstr means it found what it was looking for. So, if it found what it was looking for, I get a message "site is up". If it doesn't find, I get a different error code, so that the message should be "site down".
The problem is: I get both messages. I already tried using if %errorlevel%, but it didn't work too.
Also, I'd like a code with multiple websites because I'm creating a bat script that actually checks about 9 or 10 website at once.
curl -i http://www.google.com/ 1> statusgoogle.txt
findstr /c:"Connection established" statusgoogle.txt
if errorlevel 0 (GOTO :upwarning) else (GOTO :downwarning)
echo site up
echo site down
If findstr find the string "Connection established", then I should expect a message with "site up". What it is actually happening is this: it shows both messages "site up" and "site down".
One of the misunderstandings of the classic if errorlevel 0
which translates to (see help if)
if errorlevel is 0 or greater
which is always true for positive errorlevels.
if errorlevel 1
and reverse the logicif errorlevel 1 (GOTO :downwarning) else (GOTO :upwarning)
if %errorlevel%==0 (GOTO :upwarning) else (GOTO :downwarning)
curl -i http://www.google.com/ 1> statusgoogle.txt
findstr /c:"Connection established" statusgoogle.txt &&(GOTO :upwarning)||(GOTO :downwarning)
echo site up
goto :eof
echo site down