I have a problem, when I post my form, i can't get what is in my post in my API.
this is my post with axios in react :
onSubmit = () => {
let data = {
nickname: this.state.nickname,
password: this.state.password
axios.post("/api/user/login", { data })
.then(res => {
console.log("res from api is => ", res.data);
and this is in my API :
import koaBody from "koa-body";
const app = new koa();
const router = new Router();
router.post("/api/user/login", async(ctx) => {
console.log("body is => ", ctx.request.body);
ctx.body = "ok";
the problem is ctx.request.body is always undefined... Can you tell me why ? I tried with router.get and I have no problem, it works fine.
You need to load the body parser before the router, otherwise the router will get to handle the requests before the body contents are parsed: