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Swift runtime - calling superclass method

I'm creating a subclass of UIView in runtime and providing my implementation of the layoutSubviews method for it. One imporant thing that I need to do is to perform super.layoutSubviews(). In Objective-C I can do it using the objc_msgSendSuper function:

Class objectClass = object_getClass(object);
Class superclass = class_getSuperclass(objectClass);

struct objc_super superInfo;
superInfo.receiver = object;
superInfo.super_class = superclass;
typedef void *(*ObjCMsgSendSuperReturnVoid)(struct objc_super *, SEL);
ObjCMsgSendSuperReturnVoid sendMsgReturnVoid = (ObjCMsgSendSuperReturnVoid)objc_msgSendSuper;
sendMsgReturnVoid(&superInfo, @selector(layoutSubviews));

But objc_msgSendSuper method is unavailable in Swift. What should I use for performing the same thing?


  • As Martin says, objc_msgSendSuper isn't available in Swift because it's a C variadic function, which Swift doesn't import due to the lack of type safety.

    One alternative is to use class_getMethodImplementation in order to get a pointer to the function to call for a selector on a given class type. From there, you can cast it to a function type which Swift can call using unsafeBitCast, taking care that the parameter and return types match up.

    For example:

    import Foundation
    class C {
      @objc func foo() {
        print("C's foo")
    class D : C {
      override func foo() {
        print("D's foo")
    let d = D()
    let superclass: AnyClass = class_getSuperclass(type(of: d))!
    let selector = #selector(
    // The function to call for a message send of "foo" to a `C` object.
    let impl = class_getMethodImplementation(superclass, selector)!
    // @convention(c) tells Swift this is a bare function pointer (with no context object)
    // All Obj-C method functions have the receiver and message as their first two parameters
    // Therefore this denotes a method of type `() -> Void`, which matches up with `foo`
    typealias ObjCVoidVoidFn = @convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector) -> Void
    let fn = unsafeBitCast(impl, to: ObjCVoidVoidFn.self)
    fn(d, selector) // C's foo

    Note that like objc_msgSendSuper this assumes that the return type bridged to Obj-C is layout compatible with a pointer. This is true in most cases (including yours), but wouldn't be true for a method returning a type such as CGRect, which is represented in Obj-C using a C structure type.

    For those cases, you would need to use class_getMethodImplementation_stret instead:

    import Foundation
    class C {
      @objc func bar() -> CGRect {
        return CGRect(x: 2, y: 3, width: 4, height: 5)
    class D : C {
      override func bar() -> CGRect {
        return .zero
    let d = D()
    let superclass: AnyClass = class_getSuperclass(type(of: d))!
    let selector = #selector(
    let impl = class_getMethodImplementation_stret(superclass, selector)!
    typealias ObjCVoidVoidFn = @convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector) -> CGRect
    let fn = unsafeBitCast(impl, to: ObjCVoidVoidFn.self)
    let rect = fn(d, selector)
    print(rect) // (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)

    The distinction between class_getMethodImplementation and class_getMethodImplementation_stret is due to the difference in calling convention – a word sized type can be passed back through a register, however a structure of larger size needs to be passed back indirectly. This matters for class_getMethodImplementation because it could pass back a thunk for message forwarding in the case where the object doesn't respond to the selector.

    Another option is to use method_getImplementation, which doesn't perform message forwarding and therefore doesn't need to distinguish between stret and non-stret.

    For example:

    let impl = method_getImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod(superclass, selector)!)

    However bear in mind that the documentation notes:

    class_getMethodImplementation may be faster than method_getImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod(cls, name)).