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How to read arrays from JSON file?

I am trying to read data from JSON. I add Firebase to my Android application and everyhing works fine, but i don't understand how to read array fields.

For example, I need to get "correctAnswers":["Var1","Var4"] field, but can't google answer how to do it.

Please explain. Thank you.

part of my JSON file

    "answA" : "Var1",
    "answB" : "Var2",
    "answC" : "Var3",
    "answD" : "Var4",
    "categoryId" : 1,
    "id" : 104,

I get the cursor

Cursor cursor = sqlLiteDataBaseInstance.rawQuery(String.format("SELECT * FROM Question WHERE CategoryID = %d ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 30", category), null);

and can read answA, answB, answC, answD using

cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(String columnName)) and

categoryId, id using cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(String columnName))


  • Check this.

      private void readJson() {
            try {
                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject("{\n" +
                        "\t\"answA\": \"Var1\",\n" +
                        "\t\"answB\": \"Var2\",\n" +
                        "\t\"answC\": \"Var3\",\n" +
                        "\t\"answD\": \"Var4\",\n" +
                        "\t\"categoryId\": 1,\n" +
                        "\t\"correctAnswers\": [\"Var1\", \"Var4\"],\n" +
                        "\t\"id\": 104\n" +
                JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("correctAnswers");
                Log.e("Array Size is ", jsonArray.length() + "");
                for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                    Log.e("Array Values", jsonArray.getString(i) + "");
            } catch (JSONException e) {