I have an angular application that is hosted in an Azure storage account with static website enabled. I'd like to use one of Azure's CDN options. I see that I can force HTTPS using the Verizon Premium offering's rules engine. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to manage the rules other than through the portal.
Any idea if this can be accomplished through an API or Powershell?
I suppose I could even take a step back and ask if there is a better way to force this redirect?
I am not sure if there is a method to manage the rules other than through the portal, also the rules engine is offered by 3rd party CDN provider.
Take a step back, you could select to use Azure Application Gateway with HTTP to HTTPS redirection. A routing rule is used to redirect HTTP traffic to the HTTPS port in your application gateway. Some things will look like these followings:
You could get more details from this blog: Static Website hosting in Azure Storage with Custom Domain and SSL support using Azure Application Gateway