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javascript - how to send json by postmessage

I have a C# string variable having following serialized Json string:

  "Video": "1",
  "Voice": "1"

and I am trying to post it via postMessage like this:

string jsonVerticalTypeQuantity = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(VerticalTypeQuantity);

$(document).ready(function () {
    parent.postMessage({ "SelectedComponent": "@jsonVerticalTypeQuantity"}, "*");

But when I check this in browser it adds extra characters like &quot Why is that? and How can I post JSON string as it is?


  • The @ directive automatically encodes output string while used against a server-side Razor variable as encoded HTML. You should put @Html.Raw() helper to return unencoded JSON string:

    parent.postMessage({ "SelectedComponent": @Html.Raw(jsonVerticalTypeQuantity) }, "*"); 

    Or use a variable as alternative:

        string jsonVerticalTypeQuantity = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(VerticalTypeQuantity);
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var jsonData = @Html.Raw(jsonVerticalTypeQuantity);
        parent.postMessage({ "SelectedComponent": jsonData }, "*");

    Related issue:

    MVC failed to make a json string in view for a variable in javascript