I've been developing our company's credential provider for windows 10 for almost a year now.
Now, I encountered a problem. I don't usually ask questions on forums, blogs, because in most cases I find the solution, but this time I've been struggling with an issue for a month now and I found the root of the problem.
Brief description of the problem itself: The credential provider uses a combobox, which worked before without a problem. Now, I rewrote the whole code to manage a big update, but a strange bug got into the system. The bug only occurs at a specific scenario. I'm developing and testing the code on my personal laptop.
The scenario:
1) The laptop is plugged in to my monitor / power, etc.
2) I make it go sleep.
3) I unplug all cables (including power).
4) I wake it up from sleep.
Than, the combobox doesn't show a default selected item, it's empty. When I drop it down, it shows all the necessary items. Than the credprov crashes and restarts, than everything is fine.
I know, that in similar "strange" scenarios, in most of the cases, a memory leak or something related causes the problem. When I check the event viewer it shows me c0000005, which is access violation. I started to debug where the violation is. Than I found out that the program refers the combobox item list array (actually vector in my case) at a very very high index (out of range could be the reason for the violation). The actual index is obviously stored in the "selectedComboItemIndex" variable (DWORD).
I was curious when did it change to this strange number, than I found an unexpected behavior. The SetComboBoxSelectedValue method randomly gets called once (when the bug happens) with an insanely high index value. I don't even call this method in my code, so I have no idea, why does it get called. The call happens even when I don't drop down the combobox.
I give it a chance that it could be a bug in the credprov itself. What do you think? Have you seen this problem before?
Thank you in advance!
I solved the problem by stopping to use "SetSelected" and "SetDeselected" methods. Furthermore, I filtered the "SetComboBoxSelectedValue" input parameters to accept valid numbers only. When the index parameter is invalid, I recall the same method with the index parameter replaced to the first item (0).