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Compile with Alea GPU programming

I'm new to GPU programming and I'm using Alea with VB.Net 2013

I tried to write a simple for loop but I'm having some compilation errors on the For loop. I tried several syntax but none of them are working.

    Imports Alea
    Imports System.Threading
    Imports System.Threading.Tasks
    Imports Alea.Gpu

    Public Class MyClass
        Private Sub TestingGPU(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

            Dim Length As Integer = 1000
            Dim MyGPU As Gpu = Gpu.Default

            Dim Arg1 = Enumerable.Range(0, Length).ToArray()
            Dim Arg2 = Enumerable.Range(0, Length).ToArray()
            Dim Result = New Integer(Length - 1) {}

            Dim opFactory As Func(Of Integer(), Action(Of Integer)) = Function(res) Function(i)
                                                                                        res(i) = Arg1(i) + Arg2(i)
                                                                                    End Function

            Gpu.Default.for(0, Result.Length, opFactory(Result))   'Compilation Error : For is not a member of Alea.GPU
            Gpu.Default.[for](0, Result.Length, opFactory(Result)) 'Compilation Error : For is not a member of Alea.GPU
            MyGPU.for(0, Result.Length, opFactory(Result))         'Compilation Error : For is not a member of Alea.GPU
            MyGPU.[for](0, Result.Length, opFactory(Result))       'Compilation Error : For is not a member of Alea.GPU
        End Sub
    End Class

What might be the reason for the error?


  • You need to import namespace Imports Alea.Parallel. And then, all the errors are gone.