I am trying to create a copybook structure for my data file.
Part of the data looks like this
C 0000.00
Since it has 0000.00 , in my copybook, we declared it as a PIC 9(04)v9(02).
but when i map it using fileaid, i get this error
15 EF-PURCH-FEE-AMT 6/AN 0000.0
15 EF-FILLER4 975/AN 0
The decimal point is considered as another byte and the last zero is spilling into the subsequent field
I have tried to define the picture clause as zoned decimal by giving value as PIC ZZZ9V99 as well. But its still spilling into next field.
Expected result. :
15 EF-PURCH-FEE-AMT 6/AN 0000.00
15 EF-FILLER4 975/AN 0
Actual result:
15 EF-PURCH-FEE-AMT 6/AN 0000.0
15 EF-FILLER4 975/AN 0
PIC definition as of now:
15 EF-FILLER4 PIC X(975).
Please refer to the documentation for the PICTURE clause of a data definition. There you will find that the V is a presumed or virtual decimal point, not a physical one. You may be able to attain your desired result with...
15 EF-PURCH-FEE-AMT PIC 9999.99.