My RMarkdown document has code chunks that generate multiple figures or tables from within one chunk. For instance, it loops through a bunch of variables to generate summary statistics tables for each variable. The problem is that the numbering of these figures/tables is often wrong when I try to generate a HTML document; this problem doesn't happen when I compile a PDF. The problem is that all the tables generated from the same chunk would get the same table number.
Here is an example:
title: "Testing Section Numbers"
author: "Authors"
date: "January 2019"
number_sections: yes
chunk_output_type: console
# R Markdown
Text text text
```{r pressure1, echo=FALSE, fig.cap=c("This is my plot", "This is my other plot")}
```{r pressure2, echo=FALSE}
kable(pressure, caption = "My first table")
kable(pressure, caption = "My second table")
This is due to a bug of knitr, which I just fixed in the development version on Github. Please try