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Custom dynamic response with Suave?

I want to build a simple counter with Suave.

let main argv =

  let mutable counter = 0;

  let app =
        >=> choose
            path "/" >=> OK "Hello, world. ";
            path "/count" >=> OK (string counter)
        >=> choose
            path "/increment"
            >=> (fun context -> async {
              counter <- counter + 1
              return Some context

  startWebServer defaultConfig app

However, with my current solution, the count at /count never updates.

I think this is because the WebPart is computed when the app is launched, instead of for each request.

What is the best way to achieve this in Suave?


  • You are right in the assumption that Webparts are values, so computed once. (See this).

    You need to use a closure to get what you want:

    path "/count" >=> (fun ctx ->
        async {
            let c = counter in return! OK (string c) ctx