I want to build a simple counter with Suave.
let main argv =
let mutable counter = 0;
let app =
>=> choose
path "/" >=> OK "Hello, world. ";
path "/count" >=> OK (string counter)
>=> choose
path "/increment"
>=> (fun context -> async {
counter <- counter + 1
return Some context
startWebServer defaultConfig app
However, with my current solution, the count at /count
never updates.
I think this is because the WebPart
is computed when the app is launched, instead of for each request.
What is the best way to achieve this in Suave?
You are right in the assumption that Webpart
s are values, so computed once. (See this).
You need to use a closure to get what you want:
path "/count" >=> (fun ctx ->
async {
let c = counter in return! OK (string c) ctx