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SQL join statement between table and selection in Knex

I have SQL statement :

   select from resources 
          left join ( select resource_id, sum(price) as PostScoreSum from 
                      prices where '2019-06-8' < dateto and '2019-06-15' > 
                      datefrom group by resource_id ) BB on 
                     resources.resources_id = BB.resource_id")

Using Knex, I can write this statement as knex.raw('.....'), but after this knex statement I cannot used modify (to have chain of statements, knex.raw('...') not posible). Is it possible to write this join in Knex, between table and selection without using raw.


  • Not clear what actually your issue is but following will generate your above query-

    const sql = knex('resources')
       .leftJoin((query) => {
                knex.raw('sum(price) as PostScoreSum')
             .where('dateto', '>', '2019-06-8')
             .where('datefrom', '<', '2019-06-8')
       }, 'resources.resources_id', 'BB.resource_id')
    console.log(sql) ;