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Unresolved reference: LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE inside onBindViewHolder

Inside OnBindViewHolder of my RecyclerView Adapter, I got multiple items. One of those (ITEM_TRATAMENTOS) got a setOnClickListener which has the purpose of create an LinearLayout when I click in an button (add_field_btn). The problem is that the only argument of getSystemService is unresolved (Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE).

In ViewPagers it works fine, but inside OnBindViewHolder, it's not the case.

      val viewHolderTratamentos = holder as ViewHolderItemTratamentos
      holder.add_field_btn.setOnClickListener {
                    inflater = Context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE) as LayoutInflater
                    val rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.used_products_field, null)
                    // Add the new row.
                    parentLinearLayout?.addView(rowView, parentLinearLayout?.childCount!! - 1)

The expected result is to create the new line, which it works if it was on an normal activity.


  • An alternative solution is to get the LayoutInflater from parentLinearLayout ViewGroup.


    parentLinearLayout?.apply { 
        val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context) // context is now available in the receiver scope
        val rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.used_products_field, this, false)
        addView(rowView) // Add the view to the last position

    Also, be aware of the consequences of adding too many views without recycling them. Probably you'd need another RecyclerView if the number is big enough.