I updated my application to 2.0.3 from 1.7.2 using CI updation document. But now am stuck with an error in active record file(application/libraries/Activerecord.php).
In active record i tried to get the config item using the $this->config
Object .
My code :- $this->config->item('item_name');
But it return an error.
Error :- Call to a member function item() on null .
During CI update i done the following actions based on the CI document.
Updated CodeIgniter system files., Updated Plugins to Helpers., Updated Class extensions., Updated Parent Constructor calls., Moved core extensions to application/core., Updating config folder changes., index file changed.,
You need to rename this :
require dirname( FILE ) . '/../../../config/your_custom_config.php';
into this :
require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/your_custom_config.php';
And make sure you correctly set the custom config path.
Or alternatively, you could use built-in config loader method in your controller :