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A more functionrich number (than Bigdecimal) holding java library

  • The operation should try and keep the answer of the same type as the original inputs, thus if the holder started of with a Double then the result should also be a double.

  • If inputs contain holders of different number types then it should auto widden etc.

  • There should be a single type of Holder with getters to return the result as an integer, double, bigdecimal, big integer etc with exceptions thrown if conversion fails.

  • Code should look like Bigdecimal.

  • Ideally immutable

  • Code shouldnt know or care whats inside the holder, operations just work until conversion is needed at a later stage.

  • Unfortunately BigDecimal is not really complete for my needs its missing many key functions eg: sine, log and most of the static helpers on Math.


Axelcb made a suggestion to use the apache commons math library. The main class of use in my case seem to be DFP.

  • Examining DFP there is no simple way to pass a BigDecimal/BigInteger and build a DFP. It would be nice if precision would also be a parameter and used during the suck in process.

  • none of the functions (like multiply) accept a context w/ a precision and rounding just like BigDecimal. I really dont understand the reasoning for the clunky way precisions and rounding are handled.

  • What is a DfpField, what exactly does it do and why are there fields in a DFP ??? Please dont tell me this Calendar again.

  • there are no methods to export to a BigDecimal or BigInteger


  • is this the original inspiration for apache commons math DFP class ?

  • the first concern about import from a BigDecimal or BigInteger is lacking.

  • there are no methods to export to a BigDecimal or BigInteger


  • You might try the package gnu.math from the kawa language framework which is used to implement the full Scheme "numeric tower". The package should be pretty self-contained and independent from the rest of kawa.