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Preventing copy protection circumvention

Anyone visiting a torrent tracker is sure to find droves of "cracked" programs ranging from simple shareware to software suites costing thousands of dollars. It seems that as long as the program does not rely on a remote service (e.g. an MMORPG) that any built-in copy protection or user authentication is useless.

Is it effectively not possible to prevent a cracker from circumventing the copy protection? Why?


  • Sorry to bust in on an ancient thread, but this is what we do for a living and we're really really good at it. It's all we do. So some of the information here is wrong and I want to set the record straight.

    Theoretically uncrackable protection is not only possible it's what we sell. The basic model the major copy protection vendors (including us) follow is to use encryption of the exe and dlls and a secret key to decrypt at runtime.

    There are three components:

    1. Very strong encryption: we use AES 128-bit encryption which is effectively immune to a brute force attack. Some day when quantum computers are common it might be possible to break it but it's unreasonable to assume you will crack this strength encryption to copy software as opposed to national secrets.

    2. Secure key storage: if a cracker can get the key to the encryption, you're hosed. The only way to GUARANTEE a key can't be stolen is to store it on a secure device. We use a dongle (it comes in many flavors but the OS always just sees it as a removable flash drive). The dongle stores the key on a smart card chip which is hardened against side channel attacks like DPA. The key generation is tied to multiple factors which are non-deterministic and dynamic so no single key/master crack is possible. The communication between the key storage and the runtime on the computer is also encrypted so a man-in-the-middle attack is thwarted.

    3. Debugger detection: Basically you want to stop a cracker from taking a snapshot of memory (after decryption) and making an executable out of that. Some of the stuff we do to prevent this is secret, but in general we allow for debugger detection and lock the license when a debugger is present (this is an optional setting). We also never completely decrypt the entire program in memory so you can never get all the code by "stealing" memory.

    We have a full time cryptologist who can crack just about anybody's protection system. He spends all his time studying how to crack software so we can prevent it. So you don't think this is just a cheap shill for what we do, we're not unique: other companies such as SafeNet and Arxan Technologies can do some very strong protection as well.

    A lot of software-only or obfuscation schemes are easy to crack since the cracker can just identify the program entry point and branch around any any license checking or other stuff the ISV has put in to try to prevent piracy. Some people even with dongles will throw up a dialog when the license isn't found--setting a breakpoint on that error will give the cracker a nice place in the assembly code to do a patch. Again, this requires unencrypted machine code to be available--something you don't get if you do strong encryption of the .exe.

    One last thing: I think we're unique in that we've had several open contests where we provided a system to people and invited them to crack it. We've had some pretty hefty cash prizes but no one has yet cracked our system. If an ISV takes our system and implements it incorrectly it's no different from putting a great padlock on your front door attached to a cheap hasp with wood screws--easy to circumvent. But if you use our tools as we suggest we believe your software cannot be cracked.
