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Creating a custom run configuration using IntelliJ SDK and adding Build task in Before launch section

I'm following the tutorial in Run Configuration section of IntelliJ IDEA SDK.

Following the tutorial, I will get a new configuration panel with an empty "Before launch" section. That section is added by default.

enter image description here

I would like to specify some targets by default, i.e. at least the Build target as done in several plugins (see next picture)

enter image description here

I'm trying to understand how, but I cannot find any example nor documentation on this.


  • How can I add default build task?

    Your run configuration (DemoRunConfiguration in the example) should implement RunProfileWithCompileBeforeLaunchOption. This interface doesn't provide any methods to implement, so this is a kind of mark. build task will be added automatically, no additional steps are required.

    How can I add my own task to before launch section?

    Your plugin.xml should contain a line with stepsBeforeRunProvider

    <stepsBeforeRunProvider implementation="com.MyBeforeRunProvider" id="myBeforeRun"/>

    For that you should create "before run provider" with "before run task".

    public class BeforeRunProvider extends BeforeRunTaskProvider<MyBeforeRunTask> {
        public Key<MyBeforeRunTask> getId() {
            return Key.create("ThisIsId");
        public String getName() {
            return "Nice name";
        public String getDescription(MyBeforeRunTask task) {
            return "Description";
        public Icon getIcon() {
            return AllIcons.Actions.Compile;
        public MyBeforeRunTask createTask(@NotNull RunConfiguration runConfiguration) {
            return new MyBeforeRunTask(getId());
        public boolean executeTask(@NotNull DataContext dataContext, @NotNull RunConfiguration runConfiguration, @NotNull ExecutionEnvironment executionEnvironment, @NotNull MyBeforeRunTask myBeforeRunTask) {
            return true;

    And the task:

    public class MyBeforeRunTask extends BeforeRunTask<MyBeforeRunTask> {
        protected MyBeforeRunTask(@NotNull Key<MyBeforeRunTask> providerId) {