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How many domains can Traefik secure with HTTPS, any upper limit?

Is there any upper limit for how many domains Traefik can secure, via Let'sEncrypt?
(I know Let'sEncrypt has rate limits; that's not what this is about.)

If Traefik places all domains / hostnames in a single certificate, seems there's an upper limit at 100 — see: — does Traefik work this way?

However if Traefik generates one new cert, per domain / hostname, then I suppose there is no upper limit. Is this the case?

Is the behaviour different if acme.onDemand = true is set, versus if acme.onHostRule = true is set? Maybe in one case Traefik stores all domains / hostnames in the same cert, in another, in different certs?

(Background: I build a SaaS and organizations that start using it, provide their own custom domains. I really don't think the following is the case, but still I'm slightly worred that, maybe I'm accidentally adding a max-100-organizations restriction when integrating with Traefik.)


  • There's no upper limit. Traefik generates one cert per hostname.

    From Traefik's Slack chat:

    basically Traefik creates one certificate by host if you are using onHostRule or onDemand. You can create one certificate for multiple domains by using domains

    (This chat message, however, probably it'll disappear soon — Slack's 10k limit: )

    (Note, though, that onDemand is deprecated — see: