I'm migrating from 6.2 to 7.6 and I'm struggling with an extension(A) that extends another extension (b) that extends News (A-->B-->News). Everything is OK in 6.2 but not in 7.6.
I'm calling my action from Typoscript (lib.news.nextEvent)
lib.news.nextEvent < .related
nextEvent {
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = nextEventList
settings {
startingpoint = 123
limit = 15
link {
skipControllerAndAction = 1
I have this error
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 201812181555070cca4167 - {"exception":"exception 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Mvc\\Exception\\NoSuchActionException' with message 'An action \"nextEventListAction\" does not exist in controller \"Roquin\\RoqNewsevent\\Controller\\EventController\"
config.tx_extbase {
objects {
Roquin\RoqNewsevent\Controller\EventController {
className = QcMedia\QmNewsExtended\Controller\NewsExtendedController
In my controller i have (not the full actual class)
use Roquin\RoqNewsevent\Controller\EventController;
class NewsExtendedController extends EventController
public function nextEventListAction(array $overwriteDemand = NULL)
Can someone give me a hint about that error? Thanks
Depending on which version of roq_newsevent
you are use, the namespace is different in case:
TYPO3 Extension Repository 3.1.1:
Fork from visol/ext-roq_newsevent 3.3.0:
This should not be a problem, but i am not sure about the implementation in TYPO3.
config.tx_extbase {
objects {
ROQUIN\RoqNewsevent\Controller\EventController {
className = QcMedia\QmNewsExtended\Controller\NewsExtendedController
You can try use XCLASS in ext_localconf.php
instead of TypoScript config.tx_extbase.XXX
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['Objects']['ROQUIN\\RoqNewsevent\\Controller\\EventController'] = [
'className' => 'QcMedia\\QmNewsExtended\\Controller\\NewsExtendedController'