I've been playing around with the PyCrypto Library with the intention to make a system that works like this:
But I'm having trouble with the double encryption. The problem is that I can't decrypt something with the public key when it is encrypted with the private key. I understand that it is because ARS isn't supposed to work backwards, but I want to do this to verify the senders identity to the receiver. I don't know how else to do this.
This is the current code (I know it's messy, I'm a beginner in python and totally new to encryption):
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import AES, PKCS1_OAEP
from termcolor import colored
import base64, os
def generate_keys_rsa():
modulus_length = 256*4
privatekey = RSA.generate(modulus_length, Random.new().read)
publickey = privatekey.publickey()
return privatekey, publickey
def encrypt_message_rsa(a_message, publickey):
encryptor = PKCS1_OAEP.new(publickey)
encrypted_msg = encryptor.encrypt(a_message)
encoded_encrypted_msg = base64.b64encode(encrypted_msg)
return encoded_encrypted_msg
def decrypt_message_rsa(encoded_encrypted_msg, privatekey):
decoded_msg = base64.b64decode(encoded_encrypted_msg)
decryptor = PKCS1_OAEP.new(privatekey)
decoded_decrypted_msg = decryptor.decrypt(decoded_msg)
return decoded_decrypted_msg
def generate_key_aes():
aes_key_length = 32
secret_key = os.urandom(aes_key_length)
encoded_secret_key = base64.b64encode(secret_key)
return encoded_secret_key
def encrypt_message_aes(private_msg, encoded_secret_key, padding_character):
secret_key = base64.b64decode(encoded_secret_key)
cipher = AES.new(secret_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
padded_private_msg = private_msg + (padding_character * ((16 - len(private_msg)) % 16))
encrypted_msg = cipher.encrypt(padded_private_msg.encode("utf-8"))
encoded_encrypted_msg = base64.b64encode(encrypted_msg)
return encoded_encrypted_msg
def decrypt_message_aes(encoded_encrypted_msg, encoded_secret_key, padding_character):
secret_key = base64.b64decode(encoded_secret_key)
cipher = AES.new(secret_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
encrypted_msg = base64.b64decode(encoded_encrypted_msg)
decrypted_msg = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_msg)
unpadded_private_msg = decrypted_msg.rstrip(padding_character)
return unpadded_private_msg.decode("ascii")
# 'rec' means 'received' #
# 'enc' means 'encrypted' #
# 'dec' means 'decrypted' #
# 'pad' means 'padding' #
# 'div' means 'division' #
raw_txt = input("Message to send: ")
txt = str(raw_txt)
pad_char = "{"
div_char = "|"
privatekey0_RSA , publickey0_RSA = generate_keys_rsa()
privatekey1_RSA , publickey1_RSA = generate_keys_rsa()
key_AES = generate_key_aes()
enc_txt = encrypt_message_aes(txt, key_AES, pad_char)
enc_key = encrypt_message_rsa(key_AES, privatekey0_RSA)
msg = (
pad_char.encode("utf-8") +
div_char.encode("utf-8") +
enc_txt +
div_char.encode("utf-8") +
rec_pad = msg[: 1]
rec_div = chr(msg[1])
rec_enc_txt = msg[2: (msg[2:].find(rec_div.encode("utf-8")) + 2)]
rec_enc_key = msg[(msg[2:].find(rec_div.encode("utf-8")) + 3):]
rec_dec_key = decrypt_message_rsa(rec_enc_key, publickey0_RSA)
rec_dec_txt = decrypt_message_aes(rec_enc_txt, rec_dec_key, rec_pad)
print(colored("Total message: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), "%s" % msg)
print(colored(" Original key_AES: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), "%s - (%d)" % (key_AES, len(key_AES)))
print(colored("Encrypted key_AES: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), "%s - (%d)" % (enc_key, len(enc_key)))
print(colored("Decrypted key_AES: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), "%s - (%d)" % (rec_dec_key, len(rec_dec_key)))
print(colored("Decrypted key_AES == Original key_AES: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), colored("%s" % (rec_dec_key == key_AES), "green" if (rec_dec_key == key_AES) else "red", None, ["bold"]))
print(colored(" Original text: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), "%s - (%d)" % (txt, len(txt)))
print(colored("Encrypted text: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), "%s - (%d)" % (enc_txt, len(enc_txt)))
print(colored("Decrypted text: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), "%s - (%d)" % (rec_dec_txt, len(rec_dec_txt)))
print(colored("Decrypted text == Original text: ", "blue", None, ["bold"]), colored("%s" % (rec_dec_txt == txt), "green" if (rec_dec_txt == txt) else "red", None, ["bold"]))
So, do you know either a solution to use ARS backwards, or an alternative way of verifying the senders identity?
an alternative way of verifying the senders identity
Could that be a digital signature? It is supported by PyCryptodome and uses RSA.