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Storage and query efficiency in MySQL and mariadb database?

I am new to querying in very big databases. I would like to know if partitioning a very large data table in several improves or decreases efficiency in storage and the speed of queries. For example if a I have a very big data table with information worth a year with 300 million rows and nearly 30 columns, is it better to break it into 12 months or keep it asis? will it improve effiency or storage, or none?


  • Short answer: No. Disk space will be slightly larger; performance is not likely to improve.

    Long answer:

    Each partition is essentially a separate table; each table has some pre-allocated space. A partition has 4-7MB of "free" space each.

    Partitioning does not inherently bring any performance boost. (In some cases, it give a slight slowdown.)

    That said, there are 4 use cases that I know of where partitioning, if carefully done, can provide a noticeable speed up. You have said nothing to indicate yours is one of those cases. The most common is a "time series", wherein you need to delete "old" data. The benefit comes from DROP PARTITION being virtually instantaneous, as opposed to DELETE.

    Please describe your data situation -- the data type, the schema, and the important queries. If it is a Data Warehouse application, then "time series" may be of use. More likely is Summary tables; they can often be used to greatly speed up "Reports", as opposed to lengthy GROUP BYs.