I have a simple controller spec, which is supposed to check the processing for a new Material is queued when the item is created.
materials_controller_spec.rb (#create):
it 'queues the processing of the material' do
post :create, params: { material: valid_attributes }, session: valid_session
have_been_enqueued.with(material_id: Material.last.id, video_filepath: Material.last.video_filepath)
When run in isolation it's fine, but when I run the whole suite with rspec .
I get the following error:
Error while trying to deserialize arguments: Couldn't find ActiveStorage::Blob with 'id'=418
# ./spec/controllers/materials_controller_spec.rb:81:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ------------------
# --- Caused by: ---
# ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound:
# Couldn't find ActiveStorage::Blob with 'id'=418
# ./spec/controllers/materials_controller_spec.rb:81:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
There have been a couple of points where I've not been convinced the attachment has been fully uploaded before the next page has rendered. I am concerned this could mean an issue with the file uploads. I followed the guide on direct uploads but I still see no progress indicator when uploading the video files, which are quite large.
My questions are:
Couldn't find ActiveStorage::Blob
with 'id'=418
issue?Thanks in advance!
I'd previously added ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :test
to my rails_helper.rb
so it should have worked. However, adding that line into the particular test seemed to resolve the issue.
it 'queues the processing of the material' do
post :create, params: { material: valid_attributes }, session: valid_session
have_been_enqueued.with(material_id: Material.last.id, video_filepath: Material.last.video_filepath)