I have a button_to component in Symfony 1.4, which calls a route that receives a parameter (a slug). But I cannot get Symfony to recognize the parameter I'm sending. I have tried this same thing with a link_to and it works fine.
Here's my code:
url: /entry/:slug
class: sfDoctrineRoute
model: ProjectEntry
type: object
method: getEntryBySlug
param: { module: entry, action: show }
<?php echo button_to('ButtonName', 'entry_show', array('slug' => 'this-is-my-slug')) ?>
Entry model:
public function getEntryBySlug($parameters)
return $this->findOneBySlug($parameters['slug']);
All I get is the following 500 error:
The "/entry/:slug" route has some missing mandatory parameters (:slug).
I have also tried changing the template code with:
<?php echo button_to('ButtonName', 'entry_show?' . 'slug='.'this-is-my-slug') ?>
but to no avail...
any ideas?
Try this:
<?php echo button_to('ButtonName', '@entry_show?slug=this-is-my-slug') ?>
You need the @ symbol to bind to a named route in the routing config, and the parameter slug
is part of the URI argument, not the 3rd argument of the button_to