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Query with where clause checking a variable with multiple values

Scenario: I am trying to create a query where I want to retrieve multiple values from a table. Doing so by listing the values directly is straightforward, like so:

select * from product.text_data
where text_data.field_label = "Owner" or text_data.field_label = "Admin" or text_data.field_label = "Rule";

Question: Is it possible to do the same query, but instead feeding the list of fields into a variable, and checking the variable directly?


set @idlist1 = ("Owner", "Admin", "Rule");
select * from product.text_data
where product.text_data.field_ref in @idlist1;

Issue: If I try to run this, I get the

SQL Error (1241): Operand should contain 1 column(s)


  • It is not possible to define a list as a variable. You would have to declare your variable as a temporary table.

    In your use case, you seem to be looking for dynamic sql.

    declare @myList varchar(100)
    set @myList = '( "Owner", "Admin", "Rule" )'
    exec('SELECT * FROM product.text_data WHERE product.text_data.field_ref IN' + @myList)