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Possible to add multiple parameters to excel import?

I have a basic form that contains an excel file upload and a select option.

The select contains a few options. I want to pass the selected option from the user with the file to my Excel::import

I tried passing another parameter to my import but it returns error. (has to be string, array given)

Is this possible using Laravel excel import?


public function create(Request $request)
        $package = $request->input('package');
        // how can I add $package to my import to insert it to my user model?
        Excel::import(new AccountsImport, $request->file('file'));

        return ['message' => 'Excel has been succesfully uploaded'];


class AccountsImport implements ToCollection, withHeadingRow

    public function collection(Collection $rows)
        $rows->each(function($row, $key) {
                'name'   => $row['student'],
                'email'  => $row['e_mail'],
                // Want it to be possible to add my package here
                //'package' => $package


  • Maybe you could pass down custom data to your AccountsImport class?

    You would have a data array as such:

    $data = [
        'package' => $package, 
        // other data here

    You would then do something like this:

    Excel::import(new AccountsImport($data), $request->file('file'));

    That would require some changes in your import class.

    class AccountsImport implements ToCollection, withHeadingRow
        private $data; 
        public function __construct(array $data = [])
            $this->data = $data; 
        public function collection(Collection $rows)
            $rows->each(function($row, $key) {
                    'name'   => $row['student'],
                    'email'  => $row['e_mail'],
                    // Want it to be possible to add my package here
                    //'package' => $package
                ], $this->data));

    I took a look at Laravel Excel's API and couldn't see something that would cater for this, but this should work.