I'm making a project from my finals on cafe, in which I need user to select drinks from a made file drinks which has drinks in list like: 1. Coca-Cola $5 2. Pepsi $8 now I want user to press 1 if he or she wants to buy coca-cola and then the 1. coca-cola $5 copied to his file
I have tried all possible codes I could this is the closest code I could get
using namespace std;
ofstream outFile("userfile2.txt");
string line;
ifstream inFile("Drinks.txt");
int count;
while(getline(inFile, line))
if(count>0 && count<2)
outFile << line <<endl;
I expect that I can copy any drink the user wants from the drinks file to the user file has the user press 1 2 or 3 numbers from the list of drink shown to him at the time of code running.
it is very simple
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream outFile("userfile2.txt");
string line;
ifstream inFile("Drinks.txt");
int count;
while(getline(inFile, line))
if (--count == 0)
outFile << line <<endl;
outFile.close(); // not mandatory, done automatically by the destructor
inFile.close(); // not mandatory, done automatically by the destructor