I have a component called X. I'm trying to make a menu come down from it when I put my mouse over it.
I have a mouseOver handler which changes the component's state to another state which shows an extra child component (the menu) on the lower part. This of course makes the X component grow.
I also have mouseOut event handler which makes the menu disappear by returning component X to its original state.
When I move the mouse over the component the menu appears as expected. But when I move the mouse down to the menu that is now visible, as soon as I touch it, it disappears. This way it's impossible to reach the menu.
I guess the mouseOut event is triggered as soon as I move out of the old boundaries. Is this so? And how can I avoid it? The new boundaries should now consider the extra child with the menu.
Thanks in advance, Nuno
When you move over the child element you are mousing out of compo0nent "X".
Without seeing code I can't really help you. However you might want to try a few things.