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Travis-CI: Do not fail build because of linter warnings

I have an old python project that I am trying to progressively clean up using flake8 (to warn about PEP8 issues). I use Travis for continuous integration and want my build to fail if any unit test fails. However, I do not want my build to fail simply because flake8 produced a warning (e.g., about something minor like trailing white space).

How do I configure Travis to output flake8 warnings (so that I can resolve them as I have time) without causing them to fail the build?

My .travis.yml is below:

language: python
  - "3.6"

  - pip install -r requirements.txt
  - pip install flake8

  - python -m unittest discover -v
  - flake8 .

Example flake8 warnings:

./meta-db/ E501 line too long (108 > 79 characters) 
./meta-db/ W291 trailing whitespace


  • Adding --exit-zero flag to flake8 allows lint warnings/errors to be displayed without failing the Travis build.

      - python -m unittest discover -v
      - flake8 . --exit-zero # Exit with status code "0" even if there are errors.