How can I activate/deactivate a button based on the content of a TextFormField?
I want to make sure a user can only press Button X if the TextFormField has 10 entered numbers (if it's a mobile number).
A simple way would be to set the autovalidate property of our TextFormField to true
. This will automatically detect for changes on our TextFormField widget. We can then try to check if our TextFormField's value has a String length of 10 characters on the validator property . After that we can call setState to enable or disable our button (I use FlatButton in this example).
bool _btnEnabled = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context){
autovalidate: true,
validator: (String txt){
if (txt.length == 10){
_btnEnabled = true;
} else {
_btnEnabled = false;
onPressed: _btnEnabled == true ? yourCallback : null,
child: ...