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Sort list of lon\lat points, start with nearest

I have location from GPS (lon_base, lat_base). I have a list of locations (lon1, lat1|lon2, lat2|lon3, lat3...) This list is very long and is around the world.

My questions are: 1. How do I get from that list only the lon\lat that are 1 mile from my lon_base\lat_base? 2. How do I sort them from closest to farthest?

Thanks in advance!


  • You want to define your own Comparator that, in general, looks something like this:

    LonLat myHouse = /* whatever */ ;
    Comparable comp = new Comparable () {
        LonLat a;
        int compareTo (Object b) {
            int aDist = calcDistance(a, myHouse) ;
            int bDist = calcDistance(b, myHouse) ;
            return aDist - bDist;
    myLonLatList.sort(lonLatList, comp);

    where calcDistance() simply calculates the distance between the two points. If you're on Android, I think Google Maps has a function somewhere in their API that will do this for you.

    EDIT : You'll want your calcDistance() function to look like ChrisJ's distance function.
