I ultimately have two areas with a few questions each about Entity Framework, but let me give a little background so you know what context I am asking for this information in.
At my place of work my team is planning a complete re-write of our application structure so we can adhere to more modern standards. This re-write includes a completely new data layer project. In this project most of the team wants to use Entity Framework. I too would like to use it because I am very familiar with it from my using it in personal projects. However, one team member is opposed to this vehemently, stating that Entity Framework uses reflection and kills performance. His other argument is that EF uses generated SQL that is far less efficient than stored procedures. I'm not so familiar with the inner-workings of EF and my searches haven't turned up anything extremely useful.
Here are my questions. I've tried to make them as specific as possible. If you need some clarification please ask.
Issue 1 Questions - Reflection
Issue 2 Questions - SQL
I did some searching on my own but didn't come up with too much about EF under the hood.
Yes, it does like many other ORMs (NHibernate) and useful frameworks (DI tools). For example WPF cannot work without Reflection.
While the performance implications of using Reflection has not changed much over the course of the last 10 years since .NET 1.0 (although there has been improvements), with the faster hardware and general trend towards readability, it is becoming less of a concern now.
Remember that main performance hit is at the time of reflecting aka binding which is reading the type metadata into xxxInfo (such as MethodInfo
) and this happens at the application startup.
Calling reflected method is definitely slower but is not considered much of an issue.
I have used Reflector to look at the source code of EF and I can confirm it heavily uses Reflection.