I have a list of graduates in a mssql table with several years of renewals. I have been tasked with listing them by grad id and their renewal years separated by commas instead of one on each line. Some users have as many as 8 renewals. They are listed as such:
Lisa Jones 123456 2001 CMC
Lisa Jones 123456 2002 CMC
Lisa Jones 123456 2003 CMC
ultimately I would like to see:
Lisa Jones 123456 2001, 2002, 2003 CMC
Is there a way I can do this with a sql query or an asp function?? I have over 2300 records where the Grad ID is unique (123456) but the renewal dates are different. Grouped by grad id the count would be 275.
I would do this one in SQL, myself. Quite easy using the STUFF function in SQL Server 2008+.
I have mocked up an example using a table variable. You would swap the usage of the table variable for your real table named hubspot (replace @hubspot with hubspot).
Example setup (only needed to run the full example):
declare @hubspot table
name varchar(100),
grad_id int,
renewal_year varchar(10),
certification_type varchar(10)
insert into @hubspot values ('Lisa Jones', 123456, 2001, 'CMC')
insert into @hubspot values ('Lisa Jones', 123456, 2002, 'CMC')
insert into @hubspot values ('Lisa Jones', 123456, 2003, 'CMC')
insert into @hubspot values ('Lisa Jones', 123456, 2004, 'CMC')
Use this SQL on your table hubspot:
select name
, grad_id
, STUFF((select ', ' + renewal_year
from @hubspot b
where b.grad_id = a.grad_id
for xml path('')), 1, 2, '') as renewal_years
, certification_type
from @hubspot a
group by name
, grad_id
, certification_type
Documentation on STUFF function: