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r ggplot - placing annotations in concentric circles chart using coord_polar

I made a chart of concentric circles using ggplot + geom_bar + polar_coord, and I am struggling with placing the annotations in the correct spot. Take the following code, modified from a previous question I asked and its satisfactory answer.

df <- data.frame(A=letters[1:12],

ggplot(df, aes(factor(1), fill = C)) +
  geom_bar(width = 1, colour = NA) +                       
  stat_count(aes(yintercept = cumsum(rev(..count..))),     
             geom = "hline") +                             
  annotate("text",label = "A", x = 1, y = 2.5,size=2)+
  annotate("text",label = "B", x = 1, y = 3.5,size=2)

Here is what I get:

This is what I get

The problem is placement. I would like to place the annotate text around the circle. But since I created the chart from a geom_bar of 1 observation, I can move the texts only along the vertical axis.

How do I freely place my annotations in the chart? Many thanks in advance.


  • Don't clearly get the question but...annotate freely with geom_text instead as follows:

        ggplot(df, aes(factor(1), fill = C)) +
      geom_bar(width = 1, colour = NA) +                       
      stat_count(aes(yintercept = cumsum(rev(..count..))),     
                 geom = "hline") +                             

    This gives: enter image description here

    You can edit as you wish.