I have two tables:
select * from patient WHERE name = 'Dharam';
| id | name | townCity | contactnumber | age | gender |
| 5 | Dharam | sdfgsgfs | 252232 | 6 | Male |
| 6 | Dharam | sdfgsgfs | 252232 | 6 | Male |
| 12 | Dharam | sadasda | 213214124 | 2 | Female |
and second table is Relative;
| id | patient_id | relation | relativeName |
| 5 | 5 | Son | Gyan |
| 6 | 6 | Son | Gyan |
| 12 | 12 | Wife | Suvidha |
I want to get the list of relative names whose patient ids are matching id of relatives using the peewee approach
I tried to create a join like this:
select id, name from patient INNER JOIN relative ON
(patient.id == relative.id) WHERE patient.name = 'Dharam';
but gives error saying:
MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use
near '= relative.id) WHERE patient.name = 'Dharam'' at line 1
I figured out this:
query = (Relative.select(Relative.relativeName, Patient.id).join(Patient).where(Patient.id == Relative.id))
>>> for item in query: print item.relativeName
but it returns all the relativeNames rather than the ones with matching ids.
Figured out :
>>> query = (Relative.select(Relative.relativeName).join(Patient).where(Patient.name == 'Dharam'))
>>> for item in query: print item.relativeName