I'm developing an Azure DevOps extension, which displays the a summary of work items for the current Sprint for printing.
I am failing to get static CSS files to publish correctly.
I have the following configured in the manifest.json in the files section:
"path": "css/print.css",
"contentType": "text/css",
"addressable": true
"path": "css/screen.css",
"contentType": "text/css",
"addressable": true
The structure of the project is:
Reading this documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/extend/develop/static-content indicates that the static content should be published to: https://publisher.gallery.vsassets.io.
When debugging - the following two 404's appear in the network log:
https://publisher.gallerycdn.vsassets.io/css/print.css https://publisher.gallerycdn.vsassets.io/css/screen.css
(I've changed my publisher account name to the generic "publisher" string for ease)
I've opened the .vsix in 7zip, and the folder and css files are in the package. After many hours of Googling and hunting through stackoverflow, I'm unable to find a solution.
I tried changing the entry in "files" to be simply:
"path": "css",
"addressable": true
However this had no effect.
Is anyone able to advise me on what I'm missing or doing wrong?
Through further debugging I've found that the files do exist under a URL specific the the version published.
And then I checked the mark-up, and I realised I'd made an absolute reference to the CSS files. E.g.
By removing the first slash - this made the reference to the CSS file relative, which solved the problem.
HTML 101.