Looking for a solution on how to start the ROW_NUMBER count over if there is a gap in a date field (clm_line_srvc_strt_dt) of more than 3 months.
Currently using the following for the row count:
OVER(PARTITION BY c.src_sbscrbr_id
, c.src_mbr_sqnc_nbr
, cl.hlth_srvc_cd
, df.serv_prov_id
ORDER BY c.src_sbscrbr_id
, c.src_mbr_sqnc_nbr
, cl.hlth_srvc_cd
, df.serv_prov_id
, cl.clm_line_srvc_strt_dt) as rncnt
For example: Member ID 011 has three records with the clm_line_srvc_strt_dt field being 28Dec2017, 28Apr2018, and 28Jul2018.
Currently the row count for these 3 lines are 1, 2, 3.
The row count should reset to 1 with the 28Apr2018 line since the gap between Dec 28 2017 and Apr 28 2018 is greater than 3 months. So it should be 1, 1, 2, with the third line continuing to count since the gap between 28Apr2018 and 28Jul2018 is not greater than 3 months.
Teradata supports a proprietary extension to Windowed Aggregates, RESET WHEN, which adds a kind of dynamic partition:
Over(PARTITION BY c.src_sbscrbr_id
, c.src_mbr_sqnc_nbr
, cl.hlth_srvc_cd
, df.serv_prov_id
ORDER BY cl.clm_line_srvc_strt_dt
-- restart the row number when the previous date is more than 3 months ago
RESET WHEN Min(clm_line_srvc_strt_dt)
Over (PARTITION BY c.src_sbscrbr_id
, c.src_mbr_sqnc_nbr
, cl.hlth_srvc_cd
, df.serv_prov_id
ORDER BY cl.clm_line_srvc_strt_dt
ROWS BETWEEN 1 Preceding AND 1 Preceding)
< Add_Months(cl.clm_line_srvc_strt_dt, -3)) AS rncnt
Based on the error message in Gordon's answer your Teradata version doesn't support LAG, yet (must be 16.10+). The MIN is the same as:
Over (PARTITION BY c.src_sbscrbr_id
, c.src_mbr_sqnc_nbr
, cl.hlth_srvc_cd
, df.serv_prov_id
ORDER BY cl.clm_line_srvc_strt_dt)
Btw, there's no need to ORDER by the same columns you already use in PARTITION (within a partition it's the same value anyway)