I have seen several websites that seem to extend medium.com functionality for the blog section. i.e. https://blog.signals.network/sale-ends-today-at-14-00-utc-what-will-be-next-bb94e740853e
I cannot seem to find out how it's done. Their API returns JSON so I'm wondering if this site is building a page to look like medium.com or if there's an easier way to do it.
Does anybody have any experience with this?
No, now it is not possible, as medium said "As of November 2017, Medium is no longer offering new custom domains as a feature. Instead, you can create a publication on Medium that will live on a medium.com/publication-name URL."
Reference URL: https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003053487-Custom-Domains-service-deprecation