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How to find the consumer of dynamodb stream

In AWS console, how can I find the consumer(Eg. SQS, Lambda, Kinesis, etc.) of the dynamodb stream. I have the name of the dynamodb table and they have dynamodb stream enabled. But from this dynamodb page, how can I find which all consumers are using it?


  • Basically, when the streams are enabled for a DynamoDB table you can get data from a stream with

    Basically, you can only find the triggers (consumers) for a particular DynamoDB table on a corresponding tab. This tabs lists all the Lambdas that consume records from a table stream (i.e. triggers):

    "Triggers" tabs

    You cannot just list those consumers who use CLI, REST or SDK. You could probably use AWS Cloudtrail to track DynamoDB activity, but it does not seem to track GetRecords or GetItem.