I'm new to Typescript and I hope I'm missing something simple here. I've installed type definitions for a javascript library and get an error thrown by the compiler but can't seem to figure out what's going on. My editor is Visual Studio Code and I'm developing a react typescript project on a Mac. Here's the play by play.
I installed type definitions for 'keen-tracking' like so,
npm install @types/[email protected]
Next, I added a few lines to 'src/vendor.ts' that looks like the following,
import KeenTracking from 'keen-tracking';
const keenTrackingCredentials = {
projectId: 'xxx',
writeKey: 'yyy'
export const keenClient = new KeenTracking(keenTrackingCredentials);
Lastly, I import the keenClient in a component like so,
import {keenClient} from '../model/vendor';
const MyComponent :React.SFC<MemberProps> = props => {
return <div>
<Cover {...props} actionLabel="Label" action={function():void{ keenClient.recordEvent('pledge', {member: props.member.email} ) }} />
I run my project with npm start and when I save the file, the compiler throws the following error
Module not found: Can't resolve 'keen-tracking' in '~/projectDir/src/model'
Visual Studio Code recognizes the link to the keen-tracking type definitions which looks like the following. I recognize that the typescript version is 2.0 and when I type tsc --version at a command prompt I see that version 3.2.2 is running, though I'm not positive that's the same version that Visual Studio Code is using.
// Type definitions for keen-tracking 2.0
// Project: https://github.com/keen/keen-tracking.js#readme
// Definitions by: Rui Ferreira <https://github.com/rui-ferreira>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
// TypeScript Version: 2.2
export default class KeenTracking {
constructor(options: { projectId: string; writeKey: string; requestType?: string });
collectionName: string,
event: object
): Promise<{ created: boolean }>;
recordEvents(events: {
[collectionName: string]: object[];
}): Promise<{
[collectionName: string]: boolean[];
I'd appreciate any pointers on where I can look next to get this resolved, my current thinking is that the definition is incorrect or maybe I need to debug the generated js files, though I haven't figured out how to do that just yet. Thank you!
You installed types but not the module so install the module using below command and restart the app
npm install keen-tracking --save
And also the way you installed types may not work
Try this too without version
npm install --save @types/keen-tracking