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Trying to install Tensorflow-Probability using reticulate - how to specify user?

In order to install the greta package, I need to first install tensorflow-probability. Tensorflow and Python 3.7 Anaconda are already installed.

When I attempt the following command in R: reticulate::conda_install("r-tensorflow", "tensorflow-probability", pip = TRUE), I get the following:

Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 
Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.

I have admin permissions on my laptop, so I'm unsure why I'm getting an access denied. But how do I add the --user command within the reticulate command?


  • This webpage fixed it all for me:


    1. Install Anaconda

    2. Open Anaconda Prompt and run the following:

    conda activate r-tensorflow

    pip install --no-dependencies tensorflow-probability==0.4.0

    conda install tensorflow=1.11

    pip install h5py pyyaml requests Pillow scipy

    1. Back in R, install the greta package from CRAN.