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How to update geojson markers periodically

What I am trying to do is to use Leaflet with OSM map, and load data from PHP in GeoJSON format + update periodically.

I can manage to display a map, load data, but do not know how to update points instead of still adding a new ones.

function update_position() {

        $.getJSON('link_to_php', function(data) {

            //get data into object
            var geojsonFeature = JSON.parse(data);

            // how to remove here old markers???

            //add new layer
            var myLayer = L.geoJSON().addTo(mymap);

            //add markers to layet

            setTimeout(update_position, 1000);



have tried mymap.removeLayer("myLayer"); but this seems to now work inside of function. Please help


  • L.geoJSON extends from LayerGroup which provide a function named clearLayers(docs), so you call that to clear markers from the layer.

    Also, it is recommended that you put the layer variable outside the function:

    var geoJSONLayer = L.geoJSON().addTo(mymap);
    function update_position() {
        $.getJSON('link_to_php', function(data) {   
            //get data into object
            var geojsonFeature = JSON.parse(data);
            //add markers to layet
            setTimeout(update_position, 1000);