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Missing subject line on email sent using smptlib

I'm trying to send out an email using python's smptlib, which seems to be working fine except the subject key does not get attached. (image [1]:

I've looked at other solutions but none of them work for me. They are solving mostly for text based additions in the form of headers but my code involves sending a dataframe as a table which gets messed up when I try these solutions.

Posts I've looked at:

Python: "subject" not shown when sending email using smtplib module

Subject line not coming in the smtp mail sent from python

Python smtplib sendmail() not working with subject / body

import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from tabulate import tabulate

sender = ''
recipients = ''
subject = "Test Email 1234"

# Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart()

msg['From'] = sender
msg['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
msg['Subject'] = subject

# Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version).

text = """





html = """
 table, th, td {{ border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center;}}
 th, td {{ padding: 8px; }}


<body><p>text </p>

col_list = list(df.columns.values)
data = df
# above line took every col inside csv as list
text = text.format(table=tabulate(data, headers=col_list, tablefmt="grid"))
html = html.format(table=tabulate(data, headers=col_list, tablefmt="html"))

msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative", None, [MIMEText(text), MIMEText(html,'html')])

# Send the message via local SMTP server.
server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
server.login("", "pw")
server.sendmail(sender,recipients, msg.as_string())


  • Your settings

    msg['From'] = sender
    msg['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
    msg['Subject'] = subject

    will be overwritten, as soon as you do

    msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative", None, [MIMEText(text), MIMEText(html,'html')])

    later on.

    Just switch their order and remove the first msg = MIMEMultipart().