I have written a script which is intended to test the efficacy of the @numba.jit
decorators that I've added to several functions. I want to first exercise the annotated functions without the just-in-time compilation, then do it again with the @numba.jit
decorators in play, in order to then compare the two results.
I've tried doing this by modifying the value of the NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT
environment variable via os.environ
, but I'm not sure yet that this is having the desired effect. For example:
# run first without and then with numba's just-in-time compilation
for flag in [1, 0]:
# enable/disable numba's just-in-time compilation
os.environ["NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT"] = str(flag)
# time an arbitrary number of iterations of the JIT decorated function
start = time.time()
for _ in range(1000):
end = time.time()
# display the elapsed time
if flag == 0:
preposition = "with"
preposition = "without"
print("Elapsed time " + preposition + " numba: {t}".format(t=(end - start)))
Is the setting of the environment variable DISABLE_NUMBA_JIT
above actually having the effect of disabling/enabling the JIT compilation of all functions decorated with @numba.jit
as I assume? If not then is there a better way to skin this cat?
I think that flag only has impact on the first call of expensive_function
so isn't doing what you you'd like.
With numba you can always access the original python function with .py_func
, so that could be a simpler way to do this
import numba
def expensive_function(arr):
ans = 0.0
for a in arr:
ans += a
return ans
arr = np.random.randn(1_000_000)
In [21]: %timeit expensive_function(arr)
# 1.51 ms ± 24.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit expensive_function.py_func(arr)
# 134 ms ± 11 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)