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custom docker image containing nanoiis and sqlcmd utility

I would like to create an image containing nanoiis image with the sqlcmd utility installed. I could further use this custom image in our DevOps pipeline.

The sqlcmd is available at [this sqlcmd link] from the microsoft website

I'm kind of stuck because the utility is in a msi file (MsSqlCmdLnUtils.msi) and I don't know how to run a software that would popup an UI unlike SQLserver that can be installed from command line.

Once done, I can commit the image and use it in our pipeline.


  • 2 things:

    1. Nano server does not support IIS role anymore
    2. You can not install MSI files on nano server either

    You need to base your image off windowsservercore instead and run your installation in quiet mode to avoid popups in MSI file.