I'm trying to generate a piecewise periodic plot using Numpy and matplotlib, like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Q1 = lambda t, f, Q_max: Q_max * np.sin(2 * np.pi *f * t)
Q2 = lambda t, f, Q_max: 0
def Q_true(t, f, stat):
while(t >= 1/f):
t -= 1/f
while(t < 0):
t += 1/f
return ((t <= 1/(2*f)) == stat)
Q = lambda t, f, Q_max: np.piecewise(t, [Q_true(t, f, True) , Q_true(t,f, False)], [Q1, Q2], f, Q_max)
Q_max = 225 # mL/sec
f = 1.25 # Hz
t = np.linspace(0,4,101) # secs
plt.plot(t, Q(t, f, Q_max))
The problem is that Q_true
is receiving the entire t
array instead of individual points. This isn't an issue if I just use less than/greater than statements in the numpy.piecewise
condlist, but it's much easier to determine whether it's true or false using Q_true
The plot should look something like this:
Any ideas?
The following version of Q_true
def Q_true(t, f, stat):
period = 1/f
return (t % period < period/2) == stat
Note that you are naming your anonymous functions (Q1 = lambda ...
). In this case you should just define the function using def